Monday, November 19, 2012

Old Sturbridge Village and a glorious day

I really should have posted this yesterday, but I was so tired that I pretty much crashed.

We're lucky in our neighbors right next door.  They're a great family and while both boys are terrific, the younger one in particular has done an incredible amount of impromptu babysitting/kid wrangling for us over the years.  So, since he's interested in blacksmithing, we decided to "pay" him for all his work by signing him up for the two days of smithing classes that Old Sturbridge Village offers as part of their Crafts at Close Range classes.  (Btw, if you are within range of OSV, do check out these classes--they're great!)  We thought of it because I gave Sam the two September classes as a birthday present.  We could sign "A" up for the first class with Sam, but the second one on welding can only accommodate four students and it was full.  But yesterday's class still had an opening, so that's what "A" got.

Because he doesn't drive yet, one of us had to drive "A" up and back.  And since it's an hour one way, it made sense that that person stay until the class was over, from 9:00 to 4:00.  I got to go while Sam stayed home with Matthew and Skipper.

I dropped "A" off at the class and headed for OSV proper.  It was a beautiful day and I was the first person there!  And for the first time since Matthew was born, I was able to take as much time as I wanted at each exhibit (bouncy boys don't like to spend lots of time wandering around and checking out each little thing) and got to chat with a lot of the interpreters and listen to their stories.  And for some strange reason, while the village was far less crowded than during the summer, there were a lot of interesting visitors that day.  It was great to listen and talk to them.  I had a wonderful time at the parsonage where the gracious hostess invited me to warm myself by the fireplace and we chatted together and with other visitors who came in and out.  It was just about the most perfect day at OSV I've ever had.

After I picked "A" up and we got home, Sam suggested going out to our favorite pizza place.  "A" joined us (much to Matthew's delight) and we all had a good meal, then went to our respective homes and crashed.  Fresh air (Sam had also spent the day outdoors, though he was doing chores) plus exercise=early bedtime!

I've also made a list of the classes I'd love to do:  the first blacksmithing (you get to make neat hooks and nails); coopering (you make a bucket); tinsmithing (a half-round lantern); floor cloth (painted canvas floor cloth); and there will probably be others.  I've already taken soap making and knitting.

I wanted to post an image, but I forgot the camera.  So I'm going to make do with a photo Sam and I took years ago of  OSV's covered bridge.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lost: one brain

Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up and realize that not only is your brain off somewhere on vacation without you, but there isn't even a "Wish you were here!" postcard in the mailbox?

Yup, one of those days.  Since I have nothing intelligent to say, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures that I found in our files.  The first is from a hike that Matthew and I took this summer; it was a good seven miles.  Not bad for an 8 year old!

It was such a pretty little thing that I couldn't resist taking a picture of it.

The next photo was taken by Matthew, I'm pretty certain.

I don't get down on my stomach that easily anymore.   The knees yell rude things on the way up or down. This was taken soon after we got Skipper, so he was, maybe, 3 months old or so.  His face is still that cute--just much larger.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Entering the 21st century

 From the Realm of the Dragonlords

 (and the mundane life of Joanne Bertin)


After a lot of urging, I've decided that, yes, it's time to start a blog.  I'm not certain just what I'll be writing about; most of the time I don't like to discuss works in progress or even if I have something going.

But certain folks think some of you will be amused by things that happen around here--I sure hope so!

 So what's going on now:  Sam and I are still on our little "farm", our son is closing in on 9 years old (yikes!), we have 2 dogs, and a small flock of chickens.

The dogs are Mickey, a miniature French poodle we inherited from my mother, and Skipper, a Newfoundland puppy we got last August.  Mickey's somewhere around 18 years old now and thinks Skipper's an abomination.  Skipper, on the other hand, is five-and-a-half months old  and would love to play with Mickey.  Unfortunately Mickey weighs about 10 pounds and Skipper's 75+ pounds and has no idea of how big he is, the doof.  Since we'd really rather not have a Mickey pancake, we have to keep them separated.

Some news on the writing front:  my third book, Bard's Oath, is coming out on November 27th!   For the first time, one of my books will be available as an e-book as well at the traditional hardcover.  Bob Eggleton did the cover and I think it's gorgeous.